For Sale by Two Chicks

We're two gals who love to spread the 3-Day love far and wide, so why not sell stuff?! If you'd like to order one of the things you see here, email Julie at juliewalks60in3(at)aol(dot)com ...just insert the symbols where those words are and it should work for you.  Val and I also happily accept payment via donations on our 3-Day pages.  Click the "Donate Now" link up top to donate.

Two Pink Chick Shirts: $20 each

(vaguely) Pink Pic Friday - Two Chicks Shirts

60in3 Magnets: $5 each


Julie has also designed some shirts and other items for the #3DayTweeps.  You can order their bits o'fabulousness here: 3DayTweeps (G-Rated Version); and here: TwitsforTits  (PG-13 Version); and here: SillyBirdTweeps (PG Version)

Julie is also happy to provide her design services for 3-Day Walkers in need.  All she asks for in return is a hearty "Thanks!"...though donations to her page are also welcome, though not necessary.  Email Julie at:  juliewalks60in3(at)aol(dot)com