Our Sponsors

Team Two Chicks Fo(u)r Boobs thanks the generosity of the following businesses:

Kitchen Sink Dyeworks, Birmingham, AL - Mercedes is the super-skilled-artist/magic-maker behind Kitchen Sink Dyeworks, and she also happens to be a good friend of Julie's.  (Lucky Julie!) Kitchen Sink Dyeworks recently introduced a "Badass Women's Yarn Club", a 3-month yarn club whose yarn will be specially dyed for each Badass Woman's chosen cause.  Julie is honored to be Miss October, and 10% of the October Club sales will be donated to her walk.  Thank you Mercedes and Kitchen Sink Dyeworks!

Main Street Art Co., Johns Creek, GA - Main Street Art Co. generously donated two recycled glass tumblers.  The gift was used as a prize to any person who donated to Julie during a week in August.  Julie's friend Kista was the lucky winner!  Congrats, Kista, and thank you Main Street Art Co.!

North Carolina: